Conscious sedation for wisdom teeth and other tooth extractions.
What is “conscious” sedation?
The term conscious sedation refers to the administration of medication (an oral, I.V. or inhaled sedative) for the purpose of placing a patient in a relaxed state for their dental procedure.
In comparison to general anesthesia, however, the patient remains conscious. (Awake, able to respond, communication with the patient can be maintained during their procedure.)
Similar terms.
Other names and terminology that equate with the use of conscious sedation technique (although possibly just loosely) are “moderate sedation,” “twilight anesthesia” and “sedation dentistry.”
When should sedation be used for a dental procedure?
A dentist may suggest that conscious sedation should be used in cases where:
- Due to preoperative events (such as the fatigue that develops when enduring prolonged periods of discomfort) the patient’s ability to tolerate their procedure is diminished.
- The patient is exceptionally apprehensive about having their procedure.
(Beyond just for the appointment, sedation is sometimes used to ensure that the patient gets a good night’s sleep the night before.)
- The procedure is expected to be difficult or require an extended period of time (such as when removing multiple teeth Extraction procedure time estimates., or impacted wisdom teeth). With these types of cases, the patient might become physically or emotionally taxed.
With these situations, the use of sedation helps to make the patient’s procedure more tolerable for them. And as a bonus for the clinician, it also helps them to be a more ideal patient.
What’s having conscious sedation like? – Characteristics.
When moderate sedation is used the patient remains awake, in the sense that:
- They remain responsive to stimuli such as verbal commands from their doctor (“open your mouth,” “close down”), or the sensation of pain.
If the patient does happen to doze off, they are easily awaken.
- All of the patient’s protective reflexes (breathing, coughing) remain functional.
- The patient’s cognitive function (perception, reasoning, comprehension) may be modestly impaired.
In comparison, with general anesthesia the patient loses all sensation and consciousness.
Advantages of opting for sedation.
Procedure acceptability.
Two key benefits of utilizing conscious sedation are:
- It helps to reduce patient fear or concern about what’s planned or is going on.
- It helps to make difficult or extended procedures more tolerable. (The patient is better able to cooperate with the dentist’s requests or the needs of the procedure.)
Especially in the case of a procedure like a difficult extraction, the extra degree of patient cooperation that using sedation can provide can help the process to go more smoothly and therefore quickly. This can be favorable for both what the patient experiences during their procedure and over the course of the healing process that follows.
- Fagade reported that longer extraction procedures correlated with patients feeling higher levels of pain.
- Malkawi determined that lengthier wisdom tooth surgeries correlated with the patient having more frequent (both immediate and late) post-extraction complications.
▲ Section references – Fagade, Malkawi, Tickle
Additional benefits.
Other advantages of using this technique are:
- Some of the drugs used also help to raise the patient’s pain threshold.
- Some sedatives create a mild amnesic effect (cause an inability to remember events that occurred during the procedure, or even the procedure itself).
Be sure that the use of sedation is chosen for the right reasons.
The use of any sedative involves some risks.
The use of any type of medication places the patient at some degree of risk for complications and side effects. And for that reason, when one is administered it should be for good reason.
Generally speaking, the type of anesthesia used for a procedure should be kept to the simplest form possible. So if you’re not convinced that you need to be sedated, ask your dentist why they feel you do.
Improved patient cooperation can be a big help for your doctor during procedures such as a difficult extraction. But in some cases, it may be used simply for their convenience or to create an additional billable service.
Conscious sedation is primarily used for anxiety control.
Although some types of drugs used can help to elevate the patient’s pain threshold somewhat, this technique is primarily used to help control patient anxiety.
That means when it is chosen, your dentist will still need to administer a local anesthetic (give you dental “shots”). So don’t choose sedation because you think it will allow you to avoid the use of a needle because it won’t. (See below.)
Ways dentists administer conscious sedation.
You’ll have to ask your dentist about the specific forms of sedation technique they offer. (It will depend on factors such as their training, office equipment, state regulations, as well as personal preference.)
The following list shows the range of techniques that are commonly used in dentistry. The remainder of this page then outlines how they are administered, their clinical effects and precautions that must be taken when they are used.
FYI – Expect that there will be an additional fee for this service. We discuss costs for sedation services here. Extraction procedure fees.
Sedation techniques (and associated medications) frequently used with dental patients.
- Inhalation – Compounds you breathe. – Laughing gas (nitrous oxide).
- Oral – Medications you take by mouth. / Pills, elixirs. – Valium (diazepam), Ativan (lorazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Vistaril (hydroxyzine), Halcion (triazolam), Versed (midazolam), Serax (oxazepam), Ambien (zolpidem), Sonata (zaleplon) and others)
- Intravenous, I.V. – Medications that are injected. – Versed (midazolam), Valium (diazepam), Halcion (triazolam), Ativan (lorazepam), Duragesic (fentanyl), Diprivan (propofol) and others.
1) Inhalation technique.
With this method, the sedative medication that the patient is given is a gas that they breathe.
In our discussion here, we describe the use of nitrous oxide, commonly referred to as laughing gas.
How laughing gas is administered.
Nitrous oxide creates its effect as the patient breathes it in via a mask that’s placed over their nose.
- Onset is quick (less than 20 seconds, with clinical signs developing within 2 to 3 minutes). This is a more rapid initial onset than with any other sedation technique, including I.V. administration.
- The depth of the patient’s sedation can be easily and rapidly altered (increased or decreased) simply by changing the concentration of the gas being administered. (This is considered a safety characteristic of this technique.)
To induce conscious sedation, nitrous oxide is mixed with pure oxygen in a range of 25% to 55%.
- The goal is to use the lowest concentration that produces the desired effect.
In most cases, the dentist will start off with a concentration of around 20%, and then every minute or two increase the level in roughly 10% increments until the patient starts to feel the gas’s effect (a dreamy, floaty state, tingling in their hands and feet).
- Going above these levels starts to introduce effects that patients find unpleasant (a feeling of remoteness or disassociation, light-headedness, restlessness, nausea).
Laughing gas can be used alone, or in combination with oral or I.V. sedation techniques (see below).
Reversal of effects.
Recovery following the administration of nitrous oxide is the quickest of any sedation technique.
The drug is not metabolized within the body but instead eliminated via the lungs. Recovery is usually complete after 3 to 5 minutes of administering 100% oxygen to the patient.
Advantages of using nitrous oxide for dental procedures.
- Minimal pre-appointment planning required.
- Quick onset and reversal of effect.
- Sedation level easily adjusted (up or down).
- Minimal post-op precautions.
Print out for discussion with your dentist.
- That means if you require more of an effect during your procedure (like in preparation for your dental shots), just indicate to your dentist and it can be achieved in just a few moments with their twist of a dial.
- Likewise, if you find you would be more comfortable with less of an effect, your level of sedation can be reduced in just a matter of moments by reducing the concentration of the nitrous oxide in the mixture you are breathing.
Inhalation technique is the only method where the level of the patient’s sedation can be immediately increased or decreased.
Another advantage of inhalation sedation is that minimal prior planning is required. Choosing to use laughing gas during your procedure can usually be opted for as late as at the time of your appointment.
Your dentist will have a set of precautions and instructions they will discuss with you. We will note, however, that nitrous oxide sedation generally should not be administered to patients after a full meal (experiencing nausea is more likely), so watch your timing on that.
In most cases (per their dentist’s instructions), a patient should be able to be discharged unescorted after their appointment. This includes driving home. (A waiting period of approximately 20 minutes is usually allowed, so to provide time for the effects of the gas to dissipate and for the dentist to make an evaluation of their patient.)
Disadvantages of using nitrous oxide for dental procedures.
- Patient cooperation (breathing through nose, not mouth) required.
- FYI – Local anesthetic (dental injections) still required.
A difficulty unique to dental procedures.
During their dental procedure, a person will have their mouth open. And if they breathe through their mouth, they will dilute the concentration of gas that reaches their lungs, thus reducing the level of sedation that’s created.
▲ Section references – Malamed, Wray
2) Oral conscious sedation.
“Oral” sedatives are medications (pill or liquid form) that are taken by mouth (swallowed). This route of administration is the most commonly used method of inducing conscious sedation.
Oral sedative medications.
Using an example you’ve probably heard of, Valium (diazepam) is a drug that’s frequently used. (It’s probably the most used one.)
Others include: Ativan (lorazepam), Xanax (alprazolam), Vistaril (hydroxyzine), Halcion (triazolam), Versed (midazolam), Serax (oxazepam), Ambien (zolpidem) and Sonata (zaleplon).
All of these are prescription medications.
Administering the drug.
Your dentist will discuss a specific set of instructions and precautions with you. Some are generic, others may vary depending on the specific medication being used.
Oral sedatives can help to put a patient at ease.
- An initial dose in the evening before going to bed. This helps to ensure that you have a good night’s sleep prior to having your procedure. (This step isn’t always included.)
- A second dose 1 hour before your scheduled dental appointment. (Onset typically takes 30 to 60 minutes.)
You’ll require assistance.
Because oral sedatives are likely to affect both your behavior and ability to function for several hours, once they’ve been taken you must have someone tend to and assist you.
This includes that time period prior to your appointment, and also escorting you home and monitoring your activities afterward until the effects of your medication have finally worn off.
Advantages of using oral sedation for dental procedures.
- Easy to implement. No special office equipment required.
- Minimal patient cooperation required to administer.
- Minimal medication expense.
Print out for discussion with your dentist.
Advantages or oral sedation.
Disadvantages. / Precautions.
The use of oral sedatives does have some disadvantages as opposed to other techniques.
Disadvantages of using oral sedation for dental procedures.
- Pretreatment planning and patient monitoring required.
- Sedation level (up or down) not readily adjustable.
- Post-treatment patient monitoring required.
- FYI – Local anesthetic (dental injections) still required.
- The fact that you must take your dose well before your appointment means that someone must escort you both coming and going. (Instead of just when leaving as with I.V. technique. Or possibly not at all, as with inhalation sedation.)
- While your dentist will make calculations base on your weight, it’s hard for them to predict exactly what level of sedation will be created by the dose prescribed. (Both the level of absorption of the drug, and how quickly it is metabolized, will vary with each person.)
If it’s too little, it can’t be immediately adjusted by taking more. (Using a combination of oral and inhalation technique can help to address this issue.)
- The effect created by oral sedatives typically lasts much longer than a person’s dental appointment. This makes for a relatively long monitoring period afterward (by a spouse, relative or friend). In comparison, I.V. medications and especially inhaled ones are typically much shorter-acting.
▲ Section references – Malamed, Wray
3) I.V. Sedatives.
Intravenous (“I.V.”) sedatives are administered by way of injecting them into a blood vein.
What medications are used?
Your dentist has a number of drugs that they can choose from when performing I.V. conscious sedation (some may be used in combination).
They include: Versed (midazolam), Valium (diazepam), Halcion (triazolam), Ativan (lorazepam), Duragesic (fentanyl) and Diprivan (propofol).
The one(s) chosen will depend on the needs of the patient, the requirements of the procedure, and the dentist’s preference. How each drug varies by way of its duration and degree of anesthetic and amnesic effect will also need to play a role in this determination.
Things to know about I.V. sedation.
Advantages of using I.V. sedation for dental procedures.
- Quick onset of sedation effect.
- Sedation level can be increased if needed.
- Some medications possess an amnesic effect.
Print out for discussion with your dentist.
- The onset of the medication is quick. (About 20 seconds, with clinical signs developing within 1 to 2 minutes.)
- As compared to oral sedation, I.V. technique provides a way of creating a more predictable and controlled effect.
(The rapid onset of I.V. drugs allows the dentist to immediately evaluate their effect and administer more if needed.)
- Some sedatives create an “amnesic” effect, meaning the patient has little or no memory of the dental procedure that has taken place (from the time the medication kicks in until it has worn off).
Disadvantages of using I.V. sedation for dental procedures.
- Pretreatment planning required.
- Stringent patient selection and monitoring guidelines.
- Patient cooperation needed to administer.
- Post-treatment patient monitoring required.
- FYI – Local anesthetic (dental injections) still required.
- Pre-appointment, as well as pre and post-operative precautions, are required. (See below.)
- Some level of patient cooperation is needed.
If the fact that the medication is administered via the use of a needle is upsetting to the patient, nitrous oxide or oral sedation might be given first.
- Intravenous sedatives are more commonly used by oral surgeons as opposed to general dentists because they have the specialized training and monitoring equipment that’s needed when this technique is used.
- Unless performed under special circumstances, I.V. conscious sedation is not utilized with patients under the age of 16 years. Concerns also exist for persons over the age of 65 years.
- While less so than when oral sedation is used, I.V. sedatives require a recovery period where the patient is monitored as the effects of the medication wear off. (See below.)
Precautions – Before your procedure.
Your dentist will provide you with a set of precautions and instructions that must be adhered to. The following points are usually included:
- No eating or drinking (that means anything, even water) for some hours (usually 6 to 8) prior to the administration of your medication.
- You need to report any systemic factors you’ve recently experienced including: fever, head or chest cold, upset stomach or bowels, sore throat.
Complications with any of the factors above may mean that your procedure will need to be rescheduled.
- Wear sensible footwear (no heels, flip-flops or sandals) so your risk of stumbling while under the influence is minimized.
- If you need to you may wear contact lenses, jewelry, dentures, oral piercings or lipstick to your appointment but they must be removed before your procedure.
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Select a shirt or blouse that has short sleeves or else sleeves that are easily rolled up above the elbows.
- Don’t wear nail polish to your appointment. (It can interfere with some types of vital sign monitors.)
Precautions – Following your procedure.
- You’ll need to make arrangements for someone who after the completion of your appointment can escort you out of your dentist’s office, drive and escort you home, as well as monitor your activities at home until your medication’s effects have worn off.
- Don’t place yourself in a situation where you will need to operate a car or machinery, or tend to important matters, for the first 24 hours after your procedure.
▲ Section references – Malamed, Wray
Conscious vs. Deep sedation.
As a side note, we’ll mention that I.V. technique can also be used to create “deep” sedation. This differs from the conscious form by way of the fact that the patient’s responsiveness and protective reflexes are both impaired (you can’t respond in a purposeful way to questions or stimuli).
If this method is suggested to you by your dentist ask them why they feel it’s needed. With conscious sedation, your ability to communicate and respond (even if only as a reflex) helps to add a layer of safety to your procedure.
Local anesthetic is administered via an injection.
Even when conscious sedation is used your tooth will still need numbing up.
(Remember, a part of the definition of conscious sedation specifically involves the fact that you remain responsive to events, like feeling pain.)
You will get a “shot.”
That means even when conscious sedation is used your dentist will still need to numb up your tooth and the gum tissue that surrounds it using a local anesthetic (they’ll need to give you a dental “shot”). Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to tolerate having your dental work done (except for possibly some very minor procedures such as a dental cleaning).
If getting a shot is the scary part for you, you can make your experience more tolerable by requesting that it’s not given until you’re already fully under the effects of your sedation medication. (Related content: Why do some shots hurt more than others? Dental injections page.)
Page references sources:
Fagade 00, et al. Intra-operative pain perception in tooth extraction – possible causes.
Malamed SF. Sedation. A guide to patient management. Chapter: Inhalation Sedation.
Malkawi Z, et al. Risk Indicators of Postoperative Complications following Surgical Extraction of Lower Third Molars.
Tickle M, et al. Predictors of pain associated with routine procedures performed in general dental practice.
Wray D, et al. Textbook of General and Oral Surgery. (Chapter: Conscious sedation techniques.)
All reference sources for topic Wisdom Teeth.
This section contains comments submitted in previous years. Many have been edited so to limit their scope to subjects discussed on this page.
Comment –
Difficult tooth extraction.
I recently went to the dentist to get a molar removed and I wasn’t freezing properly, after over an hour of trying to remove my molar I couldn’t take the pain anymore so we stopped. My dentist told me to go to a specialist so I can be sedated and have my tooth removed. Is there another way that I can have the tooth removed without sedation?
Reply –
The options for extracting a tooth are:
1) Local anesthetic only (dental shots/injections). (The method that your dentist has tried).
2) Local anesthetic + sedation. The use of sedation typically has to do with patient management (making the procedure more tolerable for the patient), the tooth is numbed up in normal fasion. We have a page that discusses dental consious sedation.
3) General anesthesia. (No local anesthetic is needed.)
So, the purpose of the referral would be the question.
Does your dentist think that an oral surgeon (who is used to working with difficult situations) will be able to more effectively numb up your tooth using local anesthetic?
Or do they think that sedation is needed from the standpoint of managing some aspect of your experience so the procedure can be completed.
Or do they think that the use of general anesthesia is indicated (this is the rare case).
Staff Dentist
Comment –
First time tooth extraction
I was advised to extract my lower molar tooth. When I was small, this tooth had a decay and I went to the dentist and he removed the root, and filled it for me. However, the filling fell after a while and the tooth got broken it rarely hurts me and the pain is very slight. A few days ago I got it checked because it started hurting me again (slight pain) and the dentist said that i need to have it extracted.
I have severe anxiety and I’m really scared. People keep saying that I will be numb during the procedure and will only feel pressure but it is my first time extracting a tooth and I’m really scared.
Reply –
Tama, You’re reading the right page and you should discuss with your dentist about ways they can help to control your anxiety.
Note that some of the methods discussed above require some planning for their use. But nitrous oxide (laughing gas) can usually be opted for at the time of the appointment. You should call your dentist’s office to see what options they have available.
Staff Dentist